Hey I’m Katie the Co-Founder of Igniting Hearts and Intuitive Life Coach.
I am so grateful that you have found your way here and I’m super passionate about holistic health & healing.
I’m also very passionate about humanity, that’s why I have spent most of life following a calling to serve others – just like you. I literally love supporting women and men on their journey.
I’m a holistic life coach, a healer, a teacher and a mum! I love creating beautiful spaces for you to submerse in, to connect deeply to your own body, mind & soul. My wish for you, is to hear your own spirit.
I believe everyone has their own medicine within themselves. I believe we can heal ourselves and I have seen this in my own life and so many other souls who have done our coaching, healings, trainings, workshops and retreats. My intention is to create experiences to hear your inner voice, the voice of wisdom and to embody your truth in a really integrated way! Our programs are designed for the purpose of self exploration so people can experience growth, empowerment and the art of truly being centred to your own presence. To awaken and get your magic out into the world.
I love being a part of a support network that inspires us to rise and to discover our own potential. I feel when we are inspired and supported as a collective that we bring energy to one another and can open up the pathway that connects us to our purpose. I am passionate about connecting to the intelligence of our souls wisdom and own authentic way. Learning through integrated embodiment where our head/heart/gut intuition is working together, Now that’s powerful! What I have noticed in my own life professionally & personally it that when I am aligned I come back to the connection of something higher within myself and within the universe. I have noticed this often gives us an ease to deeply process and integrate new learning’s and knowledge. I like to call it wisdom, you know that synergy when you flow in your life? Now who doesn’t want that!! I want as many people as possible to feel the magic of authentic alignment. This often brings a sense of absolute knowing which supports you to get the most from every area of life. I see it like we become tiny seeds, seeding the light consciousness all over the world. To live deeply joyful lives. Often before we can get to the ‘Joyful’ bit we have to make a commitment to cleaning up the mess. Mess, aka life well it happens and we all have stuff to clean up. In my experience when you get brave the whole universe will conspire to support you. And after getting brave, well the next bit is the best part, it’s when you dance through life with ‘Joy’.
Are you living the most empowered version of you?
If the answer is NO then let’s change that up!
Some of my magic is teaching; like the Healing Training and Coaching it’s probably my favourite because I love seeing my clients explore different ways to grow the best version of themselves. I’ve studied over ten different Modalities as I was simply fascinated about holistic wellness and how a body & a soul can fit together. I’ve studies clinical therapy and energetic healing. I feel when we combine the two then the work is so powerful because its encompassing a overall holistic approach. I call it the ‘Magic’.
I love guiding sessions through different processes combining meditation, NLP, Breath, DNA rewiring, Shamanic Healing and Holistic Coaching techniques. I believe all of the information for ‘this life’ and our ‘entire life’ right out into the universe already exists within us, So how do we access it? It’s through the wisdom and intelligence in the body, I guess that’s why they call it embodiment. It’s the process where we learn to rewire our thoughts, patterns of behaviour, rules and values about life. Then we can heal, retrain and rewire our nervous system.
This creates the feeling that it is safe to be here on earth and to embody our whole existence. Instead of denying parts of ourselves which leaves us disconnected. When you heal any traumas in your body your vibration increases and you can attract new experiences into your life.
You can live a different life in accordance with a calm nervous system, which radiates a sense of harmony. A sensation of “I feel good in my body ” positive, lighter, uplifted, peaceful, and calm. I believe from my own experience and working with thousands of souls that from this ‘place’ of alignment you can create a foundation. When you have a strong sense of self it’s easy to follow your hearts desires, creating purpose and passion. From here we can create our dreams.
Services are suitable for both Men & Women. Supporting you to find balance through therapeutic focused sessions mind/body and spiritual education. Some programs and trainings are specific to women only.
Katie O’Malley’s’ services offer:
✧ 1:1 Remedial Massage
✧ Holistic Life Coaching
✧ and Breath Integration
Services are available for Private Consultations, or through Events, Workshops, Trainings and Retreats.
Services are designed to support exploring your potential, and highest personal growth. Through healing, wellness & mindset.
“life is about finding balance & nourishment for your body, mind & soul. It is my passion to support ‘cracking’ you open, the world needs your magic”.
For more information reach out I would love to hear from you…